Anglia Ruskin Freshers Week Pass 2024

Sold out.

Type: Ticket



Welcome Ice breaker this Sunday at revs...

Its official! The Anglia freshers parties have finally been announced and officially confirmed. 

This is the one and only discounted pass or wristband. This is official and run in conjunction with Anglia uni, and all the official halls and the weekly big events in Cambridge. 

Remember this is the real events. This is not some freshers invasion event that may or may not happen run by some guys sitting in another country. 😂

This ticket gives you entry into the whole freshers week for half the price of buying the individual tickets. Remember the pass will only stay this price for a short period of time!

Sunday 15th September - Official freshers Traffic Light icebreaker @ Revolution Nightclub and bar

Monday 16th September - 00's School Disco @ Monday Mondays KiKi formerly Lola Lo Nightclub. The biggest Monday night in the city. Always an absolute roadblock, every freshers. Over 800 people last year.

Wednesday 18th September the ABBA Freshers Wonderland @ Vinyl Nightclub

Thursday 19th September - Deja Vu Freshers Carnival All Nighter @ Mash Nightclub. This is ALWAYS the BIGGEST night of freshers week and open until 6am. 1000 people last year!

Monday 23rd September - Official Freshers UV Neon Rave @ Motive Mondays. KiKi formerly Lola Lo